Get over yourself and write!

I have to remind myself of this regularly, especially lately. That is the only way I can remain focused on finishing my novel, well that and unglueing my android phone from my hands. You know what I’m talking about I am not the only one. Hell my 2013 mantra is ‘just do it damn!’ I’m in a deep phase right now where I’ve lost focus on my goals and have focused on everybody else’s shit regardless if what they are doing has anything to do with what I’m trying to do. I have success envy that apparently has paralyzed my ability to keep going.

Successful author J. A. Konrath feels the same way. In a recent interview he said a person can make a substantial amount just by writing. He also stated to ‘get over yourself!’

With the rise of people self publishing their own work not only do they have to create a bomb novel but do the business side to it too. It’s easy to get distracted and wrapped up in social networking, reviews, etc. At some point you have to shut that shit down and write. What is the point of networking and creating a brand when you don’t have anything to promote?

J. A. Konrath says he doesn’t Google himself (who does that anyway…nevermind don’t answer that) or read his reviews, good or bad. ‘Ignore them. Trust me it’s liberating to be free of the opinions of strangers. We all need to focus on writing.’ Well said.

Peace and luv!

Posted from none other than your favorite writer’s favorite writer Ms Talia