Write What You Know

You’ve heard this saying before, if you haven’t where have you been? Just about every seasoned writer gives that advice to up and coming writers. Well I’m about to flip the script on you. That is right I am officially telling you to NOT write what you know.

If you always write what you know how are you suppose to evolve in your writing skills? I am not talking about genres, you can stick to only writing thrillers or chick lit I am talking about plot. If all you know about is milking cows how many different novels can you make on that subject? See what I’m saying? You will get bored after writing about the same damb thing.

Challenge yourself!

Read other writer’s work on a topic that in your head you feel you will never write about. You will be surprised to know that you enjoyed reading it and may be more surprised when you want to write about it in your next novel. And if you are scared to tackle anything else then a) go to church and b) expect a short writing career.

You can write a novel where the main character is a lawyer and you are a pediatrician in real life. It is called research people! You can write about being in an abusive relationship even if you have never been in one fortunately.

Don’t become the redundant writer. Get your lazy ass up and do something different, I dare you. Writing what you know is the most stupidest rule ever! I am for sure all the writers who preach this started out not knowing about certain subjects, plots, career goals for their characters and much more. Umless they came out of their mama’s womb with a pad of paper and a pen along with perfect writing structure.

I started out writing urban lit, only hitting drugs but as I got older in age and in writing skill I realized there is a hell of a lot more than selling and taking drugs in the hood. I became more diverse. Now I’m doing relationships, murder, supernatural, etc. I challenge myself and if I don’t know about human trafficking (which is in a current novel I am working on) I Google it, find organizations that have dealt with victims of the trafficking and anything else I have to do so I do not come off being fake. I enjoy it and you never know what relationships may come out of your research.

What has been the best advice you have been given as a writer? How about worse? I hope the advice I just laid out for you will fit in your best advice category and maybe yours will be added to mine.

Peace and luv!

First Online Writer’s Workshop and Festival

Susan Orlean

Susan Orlean (Photo credit: Fairfax Library Foundation)

A couple of years back I asked if there have ever been an online workshop or writers conference. I didn’t dig deeper to see if they exist or how to start one. Fast forward to 2012 Media Bistro will be hosting the first online literary festival and writing workshop July 16th thru August 1st.

Susan Orlean, author of Rin Tin Tin will be the keynote speaker for this 3 week festival. Interactions with other writers, editors, and agents will be at your fingertips. Think about the multiple connects you can get from this without hopping on a plane or spending a lot of money on gas or airfare. The cost to participate is $425 and it includes weekly how-to demonstrations, peer group interactions, one on one feedback from authors, summer reading group and customer service from Media Bistro. Workshops such as

  • query letter writing,
  • how to research historical fiction,
  • nailing the first pages of your novel

are also a part of the festival.

To register or get the complete lineup visit mediabistro.com/literaryfestival/register.asp

Peace and luv!

Know What You Spit

I’ve spoken on this subject before but I felt the need to repeat it. Mainly because I am rewriting my psychological thriller Without Consent and I’ve noticed some areas that I could improve on in the plot, characters and intensity. I’ve learned a lot in the 2 years since writting it and I will not bore you with all of those lessons instead I will enlighten you on one that should be a given for writers but a lot of them who are published have forgotten – know what you spit!

Here’s a Lil’ synopsis of the book I’m writing:

Hundreds of women are sexually harassed a year. Nia Long never expected to be one of those statistics until a business trip to Paris changed all of that. Just like so many of the women suffering thru this, Nia thinks it is all her fault and travels back home keeping the whole thing a secret not expecting the weight of it to get heavier and heavier until a deep depression sets in. No longer could Nia use the excuse of her father’s heartattack as to why she has been angry, agitated and distant especially after discovering that she is pregnant!

Not able to abort the baby all Nia wants is an opportunity to face her abuser.

Several years later perfect stranger comes into her life. His familiar demeanor pulls at her intuition until a picture brings it all back. Her opportunity just knocked.

Ok you’re probably wondering why in the hell I went into a synopsis about my story. One because it’s my blog and two I wanted to make a point about researching whatever topic you write about, whether it’s a fiction or non-fiction. You want your reader to believe the story, relate to the character even if they never have been thru it. I don’t know how many times I have lost myself in a book because the writer did some kick ass research on the topic adding that much more realness. On the flip side, I cannot tell you how many stories I’ve read and got so frustrated with the lack of creativity and literary skills. Basically the shit is garbage and they are walking around living it up off their book deals when we both know they caught the editor on a good day.

And shame on the publishers for putting these lame untalented writers out there. Stop accepting writers just to say you have writers under your belt!

Anywho my point to this post is know what your writing is about. Don’t assume you can skirt through a project and get away with it.

Doesn’t all truth come to the light eventually?

Has there ever been a topic you’ve been wanting to write about? Tell me.

Peace and luv!