A Simple Outline Technique For Beginners

Writer's Stop

Writer’s Stop (Photo credit: Stephh922)

Lets be real, I hate outlining. It’s time consuming to me but for my new project called Dear Daddy I’m making myself do one. Now I am asking myself why the hell I haven’t done this sooner. To other writers that have the same problem I give you this bit of advice – do one! Trust me you will thank me later. If the thought of doing one sends you into a panic mode here is one trick you can do.

Break the outline down piece by piece. As I’ve said outlining can be overwhelming. Instead of writing a detailed one do it in increments. For example try doing the first five chapters then stop. Many times a writer will make changes to the story before it’s finished. Outlining will take away the massive pressure of completing an outline just as long as the novel itself.

As you write the five chapters the wheels in your head will become more loose and your creative juices will flow. You will have a better feel for what’s to come.

Something else that might work and that is start with outlining the last chapter. Many writers has a serious problem with ending a novel. It’s scary; the idea of finishing it because it means you have to start editing promoting, sending queries and everything. But if you create your ending then the anxiety of finishing will go away. I don’t start a new project if I don’t know how it ends anyway. If I can’t come up with an ending then I know the book won’t be interesting to me. You have to know where you’re going. Gimme your best outline tips.

Peace and luv!

To Charge High or Not….That Is The Question


Agh the wonderful world of publishing. It changes it seems every day. You have to literally spend a large chunk of your day to stay up on the latest trends, technology, writers, releases and the business aspect of it. If you don’t…well good luck with becoming successful. Ebooks have hit the literary world like a tsunami. Traditional publishers are just now realizing how important they are. Advantages of having a novel in eBook format are:

  1. novels are published quicker,
  2. author necessarily doesn’t have to resort to getting published thru an agent or a traditional publisher,
  3. authors can keep more of the profits earned from sells and rights,
  4. costs to have your novel published is damn near cut in half,
  5. society is an instant gratification type of people so eBooks can be downloaded instantly and
  6. prices are not as high

Well sometimes they are not that high. Recently several of the big time publishers have come under hot water for over pricing the eBooks they publish. The biggest advantage for eBooks as I said above is it doesn’t cost much to get it out there like it is for print. Consumers are upset about the high prices publishers are charging them to download their favorite book on their reading device. There is no need to cover the cost of printing so why the spike in prices?

Did consumers forget it takes more than printing to create a bestseller? You have the editors, designers, assistants, marketers and salespeople too; how are they suppose to get paid? Hell if they didn’t exist your work would be garbage (some have all of those resources and still produce a lackluster product). Selling that novel for 99 cents may be great for beginning authors but what about the seasoned ones? That dollar can add up but I would assume after giving everyone their cut that leaves the actual writer with damn near nothing.

I don’t see the problem with the Big Six charging hella high prices. If you as a consumer don’t like it don’t buy the eBook. No one is putting a gun to your head. I might be wrong with my opinion but I highly doubt it.

Peace and luv!

Moving On From Your Comfort Zone

Sam & Max: Freelance Police

Image via Wikipedia

I’ve noticed as I’ve become a full-time freelance writer a few things. The main thing is you can easily get comfortable once you get a gig.

Not complaining abut the job I have currently but life is about growing and learning, ya feel me? I strongly feel that life is constant and you should always look for something better and once you stop trying to challenge yourself – you’re dead. Plain and simple.

The most important thing a writer should do is have your goals right in front of you at all times. Having that reminder in front of you allows you to stay focus on the task at hand. It took me forever to buckle down and write all my goals. I’m still working on it everyday but it’s important to get that together.

Know Your Worth!

I remember getting a writing gig. I was geeked up. I dove right on in with excitement and intense focus. As I’ve said before I was not intending to stay stagnant for this long.

Beginners who’ve never had a writing gig will take the first offer terrified that if they decline they will be doomed to hustle for another six months or more before the next one hit. Look, any experience help. Just don’t get gullible alright? That new gig is another line to put on your resume. However when doing that gig always have your goal in full view; I can’t stress that enough. Keep in mind though that this is temporary and you deserve to make more money. See that word – deserve? That’s the key word.

How Much Should You Be Paid?

This is the hard part. I don’t have a specific amount you should demand because I don’t know how experienced you are or your goals. I do know that you need to be a realist especially if you’re just starting. Don’t sell yourself short. My advice to you is set a certain price and go with it for a minute (like a 30 day trial) and see how many offers you get then go from there.

Slight Cockiness Welcomed Here!

A writer is their own boss. In order for you to eat you need to be confident in your skills. Otherwise you will not get many offers and that’s the truth. Not pushing yourself will leave you left behind so get out there and do your thug thizzle!

What do you do to stay relevant and motivated to move on to bigger and better things?

Peace and luv!