Creating Sexual Tension

Everybody seems to be all about sex these days. Novels with sex are flying off of shelves or being downloaded onto eReaders. Writers who have never written a thing on sex or sexual tension are suddenly trying their hands at it. Don’t get it twisted it’s great to try new things. Hello I am a multi-genre writer however I do strongly believe in learning how to write about things you’re unfamiliar about.

So how does one write sexual tension in their storylines?

Sexual tension is the attraction between two people that is intense. It’s not the actual sex scene it’s the acts before the actual sex scene. Like the pre-four play – get it? Here is what to think about and how to get sexual tension weaved into that story of yours.

Physical Attraction. Lets start with something simple. In order to have sexual tension there has to be a physical attraction between the two characters. When describing the attractive person make sure it is in the words or views of the character and don’t always go for the obvious that attracts them to the other.

Make Obvious to Readers. You might want to make sure your readers are clear on the sexual tension going on between the characters even if no one else in the story knows. Readers love surprises but it seriously defeats the purpose of a sexually charged plot if no one knows who is attracted to who. Have scenes where the reader is inside character’s head describing the intense wanting of the other person.

Conflict. Everything cannot go according to plan even if you are the author and have that control that would be a boring ass story. So when all is well pull the characters apart again. Make it difficult for them to kick it, be together, or get it in, however you want to call it. Once a conflict arises get them back together. Tease them and leave them!

Dialogue. This is useful when it advances the story so use it wisely. Sexual tension is not always about action. They do have to speak at some point when they do maybe have them:

-stumble over their words

-flirt with the other just to see how the other will react

-have a heated argument showing underlying jealousy

What has been your go to guarantee sexual tension builder? How has that given you success? Let me know. And to those who struggle have fun, get freaky and do what it do! Sexual tension is supposed to be wet, confusing, hard and long.

Peace and luv!

Posted from none other than your favorite writer’s favorite writer Ms Talia

The Breakup: When Should you Breakup with That Novel

Breaking up is hard to do. How do you know when to let a relationship go? That goes for any type whether it is a boyfriend/girlfriend, job or a manuscript. In situations like this, especially in a personal relationship, it’s always an outsider that tells us ish is not right and we need to get out. Deep down you knew it was a wrap a long time ago but you keep trying because…well why do we stay?

I recently let go of a project I’ve been working on for years. I couldn’t tell you how many times I’ve re-wrote that thing! Finally I said enough is enough. After I let it go I felt better, yes I’m still talking about my manuscript! I held onto it because I felt obligated. I told so many people I had written it that I felt guilty for not writing it. Sometimes it’s good to tell someone that you are writing a novel so that it keeps you motivated but recognize those moments. And don’t feel an ounce of guilt if deep down you know you have to break up with it. Make sure you have another project in the works.

Another reason to quit is no excitement. If every time you think about writing a little on the novel and you don’t get geeked about it then it might be time to let it go. Hey it happens. Think about it though, if you don’t have excitement for it that reflects on the way you write; the agent, publisher or yourself will not feel passionate enough to promote it resulting in low to no sales.

Can’t seem to conjure up an ending? Sucks that you get to the end and nothing sparks the story no matter how you flip it. This could mean some scenes need to be changed in the story or it could mean you’re just not that into it and need to break up. Say your goodbyes and keep it moving.

It’s easier said than done but at the end of the day it works out for everyone. Have you ever had to break up with a novel? If so how did you do it?

Peace and luv!

Posted from none other than your favorite writer’s favorite writer Ms Talia

Can my women writers get a little R. E. S. P. E. C. T.?

1. Tananarive Due,
2. Sister Souljah and
3. Zane

These talented sistahs are my favorite writers. Every once in awhile I read an article that claims men are dominating the bestseller’s lists. I would never had paid any attention if I had not seen it online. Personally I don’t care but apparently someone does.

For the sake of entertaining the theory let me ask you – why do you think that men dominate? It seems to me that women read novels more than men. Are there more men writers than women? I find it hard to believe that sexism is that rampant in the writing world and publishing. The majority of people running publishing companies are females, that is not including the Big 6.

Ladies have you been discriminated against as writers either through an agency or publishing house? Are the powers that be (writers on these websites) overreacting? Go ahead and weigh in.

Peace and luv!

Posted from none other than your favorite writer’s favorite writer Ms Talia

Get over yourself and write!

I have to remind myself of this regularly, especially lately. That is the only way I can remain focused on finishing my novel, well that and unglueing my android phone from my hands. You know what I’m talking about I am not the only one. Hell my 2013 mantra is ‘just do it damn!’ I’m in a deep phase right now where I’ve lost focus on my goals and have focused on everybody else’s shit regardless if what they are doing has anything to do with what I’m trying to do. I have success envy that apparently has paralyzed my ability to keep going.

Successful author J. A. Konrath feels the same way. In a recent interview he said a person can make a substantial amount just by writing. He also stated to ‘get over yourself!’

With the rise of people self publishing their own work not only do they have to create a bomb novel but do the business side to it too. It’s easy to get distracted and wrapped up in social networking, reviews, etc. At some point you have to shut that shit down and write. What is the point of networking and creating a brand when you don’t have anything to promote?

J. A. Konrath says he doesn’t Google himself (who does that anyway…nevermind don’t answer that) or read his reviews, good or bad. ‘Ignore them. Trust me it’s liberating to be free of the opinions of strangers. We all need to focus on writing.’ Well said.

Peace and luv!

Posted from none other than your favorite writer’s favorite writer Ms Talia

Do Flash Fiction & leave the novels to the professionals!

Not my words by the way. A writer decided to post an interesting post on Reddit’s site the other day that sparked some not so um nice responses to say the least including mines. I won’t post his whole babble, you can however read it here Let me give you a taste of this writer’s foolish theory, peep:

I have noticed that beginning writers are working on novels…organizations such as Nanowrimo are encouraging this and I am not sure why.”

Oh and this is my favorite.

“Why are writers encouraged to set themselves up for disappointment by beginning their journeys with a novel they will most likely be of poor quality?”

Ha! Who is this fool? Basically he is saying aspiring writers need to start with flash fiction before getting into the big boy stuff. All I’ve known was novels. I didn’t start doing short stories until a year ago. There are different rules (to me) when writing a short story than writing a novel. But who are you to tell writers where they need to start? You’re putting restrictions on someone’s goals. So to you mr i know what’s best, I need you to go somewhere cause us real writers are busy! Something tells me an instructor told him he sucked when he attempted to write a novel and he has carried that chip all this time.

I’ve read novels from established writers that sucks, point blank! So it doesn’t matter. How do you feel about his theory? Should writers start with flash fiction?

Peace and luv from yours truly,


Posted from none other than your favorite writer’s favorite writer Ms Talia

Write or Type?

Which do you prefer when writing a novel, writing on a pad of paper and pen or using your keyboard? I personally have to physically write my first draft. It’s therapeutic for me. I am a person who swears she has adult ADHD. I cannot sit still to save my life but put a pen and paper in front of me and everything slows down. I tried to sit down at an empty computer screen and I sat there for three hours and nothing. But as soon as I grab a pen creative ish spills out.

Either way is neither write or wrong long as your novel comes out. We all have quirks, it gets us in line with our creativeness. There are disadvantages and advantages to each but we have the same goal, to write bomb ish! Which do you prefer?

Peace and luv!

Write What You Know

You’ve heard this saying before, if you haven’t where have you been? Just about every seasoned writer gives that advice to up and coming writers. Well I’m about to flip the script on you. That is right I am officially telling you to NOT write what you know.

If you always write what you know how are you suppose to evolve in your writing skills? I am not talking about genres, you can stick to only writing thrillers or chick lit I am talking about plot. If all you know about is milking cows how many different novels can you make on that subject? See what I’m saying? You will get bored after writing about the same damb thing.

Challenge yourself!

Read other writer’s work on a topic that in your head you feel you will never write about. You will be surprised to know that you enjoyed reading it and may be more surprised when you want to write about it in your next novel. And if you are scared to tackle anything else then a) go to church and b) expect a short writing career.

You can write a novel where the main character is a lawyer and you are a pediatrician in real life. It is called research people! You can write about being in an abusive relationship even if you have never been in one fortunately.

Don’t become the redundant writer. Get your lazy ass up and do something different, I dare you. Writing what you know is the most stupidest rule ever! I am for sure all the writers who preach this started out not knowing about certain subjects, plots, career goals for their characters and much more. Umless they came out of their mama’s womb with a pad of paper and a pen along with perfect writing structure.

I started out writing urban lit, only hitting drugs but as I got older in age and in writing skill I realized there is a hell of a lot more than selling and taking drugs in the hood. I became more diverse. Now I’m doing relationships, murder, supernatural, etc. I challenge myself and if I don’t know about human trafficking (which is in a current novel I am working on) I Google it, find organizations that have dealt with victims of the trafficking and anything else I have to do so I do not come off being fake. I enjoy it and you never know what relationships may come out of your research.

What has been the best advice you have been given as a writer? How about worse? I hope the advice I just laid out for you will fit in your best advice category and maybe yours will be added to mine.

Peace and luv!

Amazon’s Self Publishing Bestsellers for October 8th

Fall is the perfect time to fall in love with some good books. Amazon’s self published bestsellers list was released a week ago and here are the lucky winners. Hey, it’s the weekend, enjoy it with a book cause I said so.

Down To You by M. Leighton
On Dublin Street by Samantha Young
Naked by Raine Miller
Longing for Love by Marie Force
Captive in the Dark by CJ Roberts
White Trash Beautiful by Teresa Mummert
77 Days in September by Ray Gorham
License to Thrill by Stephanie Bond
Our Husband by Stephanie Bond
The Wild Ones by M. Leighton

Well…. M. Leighton and Stephanie Bonds are getting it in. I gotta step my game up.

Peace and luv!

Indie Authors and Book Reviews

Once again Bookbaby has come thru with another great list for indie writers; this one is places to go for legit book reviews.

1. Goodreads
2. Digital Book Today
3. Self Publishing Review
5. Indie B.R.A.G.

You always need to be careful with writing communities, blogs and such that offer book reviews.

Should there be more on the list? What have your experiences been like for book reviews? Did you find them helpful and why?

5 Reasons I Will Not Read Your Street Lit Unless You Are Sister Souljah or K’wan


books (Photo credit: freizeit)

The best advice I could give a writer is to read as much as you write. Not the same type of genre all of the time either, it’s ok to have a favorite genre but reading a variety will help expand your creativity when it comes to writing your own novel – trust me, I know this for a fact. It saddens me that African American writers of street lit doesn’t take heed to this advice. It is like it’s a crime if they read anything other than street lit. It’s sad because there is so much room for potential and growth. And because of their lack of wanting to try to make a decent street lit novel I have chose not to read their ish and these are 5 reasons why:

  1. Same Shit, Different Book. I get it, the hoods across the world don’t change too much but does that mean EVERY street lit novel have to be the same too? It’s the same setting book to book: Section 8 housing, mama cracked out, ballers living next door (when we all know that’s a lie. I’ve never lived next to a baller who never got robbed), every heifa on the block is light skinned and is thirsty. I can’t relate to none of that! And I hate repetitiveness. Which leads to reason #2.
  2. Virgins Can Put It Down From Jump! I’m sorry but it didn’t take me a week to learn how to throw it down on a man’s stick however all of the virgin heifas can suck a mean dick and ride it like they came out of their mama’s womb with one in their mouths! Yes it’s fiction but damn really? At least make it sound believable.
  3. Redbone, Coke Bottle Frame. Females always complain about all the video girls and wifeys are either light skinned or white however the same dark skin female authors have light skinned females on their covers and the main boss bitch in the story. Hmmm, isn’t that selling out or something? Contradicting? Fake, maybe? Growing up every chick in my hood was not the same color (light skinned). Make your characters similar to your fans, have them with an imperfection somewhere or something and weave that into the storyline somehow. Stop being so predictable in the character category.
  4. Lack of English or Education. Why is it that all of or just about all of street lit novels have the chick narrating and the female has no semblance of an education. The whole story is written in unintelligible English. I don’t want to read that! Everybody do not talk like they only completed the second grade. It’s too much, maybe have one character or two talk like that but all of them? Or the narrator?
  5. Captain Save A Hoe Mentalities.Not all females in the hood have the ‘captain save a hoe mentalities’ which is where they sit around and wait for a baller to come and take them out of the hood to a better life. However street lit seems to think that is what it is about; light skinned chick with green, purple or blue eyes hates her cracked out mama, determined to get out she finds a baller to lace her with as much money as she can handle then she gets controlled and beaten by the baller. The End.

I know I may sound bitter or whatever but I’m not nor am I bougie. There is more to the hood than sex, redbones, money and drugs. The thing I love about Sister Souljah’s tales is even though they are based in the hood the story does not revolve around the ‘stereotypical’ hood antics. Her stories have depth, that underground shit that have you thinking and saying damn after reading it.

No one believes in talent anymore. It’s like 98% of the writers took a city bus thru the hood one day and ass*umed they really know about the hood off of that one trip then go home and write some garbage. Understand the ghosts that lurk in the cracks on the sidewalks, why the drunks on the corners started to drink, the inner demons people fight with internally but of course that might be too much work uh?

I know what I like and it’s not the garbage I see on these shelves. They really shouldn’t be on the shelves if you ask me. Are you a lover of street lit? Non-lover? Or are you a writer of street lit? Conversate with me, let me know what is your formula for writing your stories.

Peace and luv!